While no man really wants to talk about it, erectile dysfunction is a very common problem that affects over half of all men at some point, according to Massachusetts male aging study. After the age of 40, about 40% of men have dealt with erectile dysfunction. In the past, the only treatments available included oral medications like Viagra and Cialis, but these drugs are not indicated for all men, especially those already taking medication to control high blood pressure and diabetes. Other men simply prefer a natural male enhancement solution free of the side effects and risks of prescription drugs and even surgery.
Natural Male Enhancement and ED treatments
Finding an all natural solution for erectile dysfunction or improving penile girth and length can definitely be tricky with the amount of false information and marketing targeting men.
Here’s what you should know.
#1. Male enhancement supplements can be dangerous
While some natural herbs may help with erectile dysfunction and sexual performance, there are risks with taking these supplements because they are not regulated by the FDA in any way. In fact, an editorial published in JAMA Internal Medicine uncovered some very real dangers of this industry that operates without government oversight.
Every month, hundreds of millions of male enhancement pills make it onto the market that are spiked with novel drugs never tested on animals or humans and counterfeit prescription medications. These supplements are often sold in convenience stores, health food stores, and online but they are usually made in China. Don’t take anything if you aren’t sure of the ingredients as these supplements can be harmful to your health.
#2. Bioidentical hormone therapy may be an option
If you are suffering from low libido, reduced stamina, or erectile dysfunction and the underlying cause is a hormone deficiency, bioidentical hormone replacement may be an option. Men with low testosterone can suffer from a range of symptoms, such as ED, chronic fatigue, mood swings, and weight gain.
Bioidentical hormones are synthesized from natural plant chemicals, unlike conventional hormone replacement that uses animal-based and synthetic hormones that are sightly different than those made by the human body. The body cannot tell the difference between what it makes and bioidentical hormones. If you suspect you have low testosterone levels, a physician will need to diagnose it through lab work and an exam before developing a personalized hormone therapy treatment.
#3. Vacuum pumps can work — with some risks
Vacuum pumps, also called penis pumps, can be a natural solution to some forms of erectile dysfunction and they also temporarily make the penis larger. These pumps operate on a simple principle: drawing more blood into the penis for greater hardness, length, and girth. Vacuum pumps have been popular since the 1970s and remain a valid ED treatment. In fact, Medicare spent about $240 million on vacuum pumps in one decade.
There are downsides to using a vacuum pump, though. It does not produce permanent results and it can actually cause harm. Using the pump too often or for too long can damage the elastic tissue of the penis permanently.
#4. Traction devices can produce results
If you are concerned mostly with increasing the size of your penis rather than treating erectile dysfunction, a traction or stretcher device may help. This type of device exerts traction on the penis to slowly increase its length. Traction devices do seem to work and may increase the length of your penis by about an inch, but keep in mind the device must be worn almost constantly for a minimum of six months. This is a lot of commitment. Traction devices can’t address ED or improve girth, and there are no studies that confirm the long-term safety.
#5. The Gaines Enhancement method treats ED naturally
A final natural solution to ED is called the Gaines Enhancement method, from the HealthGAINS clinic, which uses P-Shot (Priapus Shot) and GAINSWave (Shock Wave Therapy) to improve the strength and size of erections and may lengthen the penis as well.
The Gaines method is based on the fact that blood vessels naturally break down in the penis over time. This is a leading cause of age-related erectile dysfunction. PRP uses your own blood with concentrated platelets and growth factors to stimulate cell regeneration and growth in the treatment area. PRP injections are not painful and have no risks or side effects. Another one of the new ED treatments similar to the Gaines method or P-shot is GAINSWave and it uses high frequency acoustical waves to stimulate the formation of new blood vessels and open up old vessels in the penis. Both methods are also safe for men who are not candidates for ED medications like Viagra.