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Understanding Bankruptcy and Methods to Rebuild Credit Score

If you or your business is not able to pay the outstanding debts, a legal proceeding is involved that declares bankruptcy. It is the worst possible situation when nobody is ready to give you loans even at high-interest rates. A legal bench critically examines all assets to make sure that a person or company has actually become bankrupt. Generally, petition for bankruptcy is filed by the debtor or creditors for legal declarations. The court evaluates all the assets and uses them to pay the remaining amount partially as much as possible. The main problem stands while rebuilding credit after bankruptcy. The credit score is a kind of goodwill to help in getting financial aid from banks and financing firms. Hence, businesses or entrepreneurs must see to it that they maintain a good credit score. When you file bankruptcy and declared legally, it abruptly lower down the credit score. Scroll down to understand how bankruptcy affects the credit score.

Bankruptcy impacting credit score 

VantageScore and FICO scores are two major organizations that decide the credit score of an account with numerical calculations. The cores of both organizations range between 300 to 850. Here are clear figures of both agencies illustrating the statuses of credit scores. 


a). Excellent credit: 800+

b). Good credit: 740-799

c). Fair credit: 670-739

d). Poor credit: 580-669

e). Bad credit: <580


a). Excellent credit: 750+

b). Good credit: 700-749

c). Fair credit: 650-699

d). Poor credit: 600-649

e). Bad credit: below 600

When the court declares you bankrupt, it abruptly reduces from 160 to 220 points. The average credit score remains between 690 to 720, if the points reduce by 160 to 220, you will automatically fall in the category of poor or bad credit score. No matter whether you file bankruptcy or not, the credit score will continuously keep on reducing because of the incapability of loan repayment. 

How to rebuild credit after bankruptcy

A bad credit score is a primary reason why you can’t get credit anymore from any finance organization. A low credit score in normal circumstances differs from the condition of bankruptcy. In order to rebuild it, we need the assistance of a professional credit repair agency. The follow some important steps to overcome this situation.

Here we are mentioning stepwise measures in detail. 

These are some smart tips for rebuilding credit after bankruptcy steadily. It will take at least 1 year or more to rebuild your goodwill. Have patience and keep your record clean as much as possible. 

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